American Horror Story Haunted House For Kids

My parents were looking for a house to rent for a long time. But they weren't able to find any nice house which was close to my school and dad's office. After a long search, my dad found a house that was also close to my school it seemed really nice. But there was one thing about it that I didn't like right behind it.

American Horror Story Cast
There was an old abandoned house. Usually, I'm not that scared of these things. But that abandoned house really unsettled me and because my room was at the back of the new house. I could see that creepy house very clearly from my room window. Mom couldn't, dad, find any other house. I don't like my room I can see that abandoned house from my room window.

Annie don't you know the struggle your dad went through trying to get a decent place to live. Then you guys take my room and I'll take yours I don't want to stay in that room. I hate it Annie doesn't throw tantrums instead of focusing on these foolish negative things. Help me to get the house sorted unpack your stuff and get your room. Set up the way you like it there's a lot of work left to be taken care of come on be a good girl. Oh no matter what they wouldn't give me the master bedroom I knew it. After a few days, I got used to the room and slowly my fear of that abandoned house faded. But one night something strange happened at nine o'clock.

American Horror Story House

Oh, where Annie there's no one there listen at night even normal things can seem abnormal. This is why I keep telling you not to watch. So a lot of horror movies. My mom swears there is someone in your sleeping window at school. Tomorrow no one can imagine you the next night. When I was ready for bed I saw someone staring at me from the abandoned house again. I freaked out mom. Mom comes here quickly you didn't believe me and told me.

American Horror Story Cast
I was imagining things see someone's there. Oh, where did he go? Oh Annie do you know what time it is you started shouting at this time. Don't you care that your father is asleep? But mom enough that house is empty. When no one lives there who would be standing at the window. Yes exactly that's the point this is why I'm so shocked isn't it weird. Look Annie it's Halloween time. I'm sure some neighborhood kids are playing a prank on you. Oh yeah, I didn't think of that Oh some kid must be playing a prank on me.

Please get some sleep now okay I had decided that night that I'm going to catch that little tour must be someone from the neighborhood. I just want to know who it is I'll, then report this to his parents you'll get grounded without candy.

American Horror Stories

But it was jammed I tried with all my strength to open it. But it wouldn't budge even though. When I arrived I left the door open. Please, someone, open the door. I'm stuck here, Please someone opens the door oh god where am I stuck you. Hi, guys so this was my Halloween special story I hope you all liked it in this story he showed that whatever evil spirits lived in that house.

Stories for kids
He entered the house of Annie and poor Annie trapped in that abandoned building forever and even his parents didn't notice that whoever is in their home is not their daughter. But an evil disguised as Annie. please don't forget to comment like and share thisClick here to read more
Source: The soft roots
Horror Story: Funny Story
American Horror Story Haunted House For Kids | Few Fun Land
Reviewed by the soft roots
June 26, 2020

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