Best Funny Little Red Riding Hood Story For Kids | Few Fun Land

Best Funny Little Red Riding Hood Story For Kids 

Best funny Little Red Riding Hood story for kids

once upon a time there lived a little girl. This girl wore a Red Riding Hood. At all times that's why everybody used to call her Little Red Riding Hood. Darling, yes mommy you know your grandmother is ill would you take her the cookies. I baked and the fresh hurts. I picked from the woods cries, mommy. I will the little girl with her Red Riding Hood as she always started her journey to her grandmother's house. Do you not leave the road in the bunny forest sweetheart said her mother. As she was leaving Little Red Riding Hood started walking in the forest. While joyously singing songs. I wonder why they call it the bunny forest. I haven't seen any bunnies along the way Little Red Riding Hood came to a road filled with flowers. There were all kinds of colored flowers. I should pick some flowers for my grandmother.

Best funny Little Red Riding Hood story for kids

funny Little Red Riding Hood Story With Pictures

She'll be very pleased well Little Red Riding Hood was picking the flowers. She did not realize that she was drifting away from her path at that moment. She heard a sound coming from the bushes. Suddenly a big bad wolf approached in front of her Little Red Riding Hood was so scared. That when she saw the wolf right in front of her eyes. She dropped the basket that she was carrying there was jump closer to her and collected the cookies. She had dropped from the basket and gave them back to Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood was amazed by this unexpected gesture from the wolf. Thank you where are you heading little girl to my grandmother's house. The yellow house at the end of this forest. She is not feeling well. So I'm bringing her cookies and healthier really by the way. You can call me Little Red Riding Hood.

Best funny Little Red Riding Hood story for kids

funny little Red Riding Hood Story Original

Like everybody asked us I'll head on first and let your grandmother know that you're on your way. So that you can continue picking up your beautiful flower right at that moment. He heard a gunshot of an approaching hunters rifle and ran away. As fast as he could Little Red Riding Hood looked around for a moment and started crying realizing that. She was lost hearing her crying the hunter approached and came next to her. What are you doing alone here little girl? It's very dangerous around here I'm looking for a big bad wolf. Whom I've been hunting for a very long time Little Red Riding Hood was very ashamed. Because she had not listened to her mother and left the road in the bunny forest. 

Best funny Little Red Riding Hood story for kids

funny little Red Riding Hood Short Story Script  

So she could not tell the hunter that she had met the wolf. Well, I was bringing cookies my ill grandmother living at the end of the forest. And I got lost let me bring you to your grandma's home. Then they started to walk together and write down the wolf took a shortcut and quickly made it to the grandmother's house. You knocked on the door the grandmother yelled from inside is it the wolf changing his voice. It's me grandma Little Red Riding Hood. I brought you cookies on fresh homes from the woods. The door is open my dear the wolf smirked and stormed in through the open door.

Best funny Little Red Riding Hood story for kids

funny story for kids

 When a while later Little Red Riding Hood and the hunter arrived at the grandmother's house go little girl go. Next to your grandmother as soon as possible, the hunter went back on his way. Little Red Riding Hood knocked on the door her grandmother yelled from inside it's me grandma Little Red Riding Hood. The door is open my darling you can't come in Little Red Riding Hood hesitated for a moment because the sound she heard did sound a little different. Then her grandmother she then remembered that her grandmother was ill. 

Best funny Little Red Riding Hood story for kids

Story for kids

But grandmother probably sounds like that because she is ill Little Red Riding Hood opens the door and went into the wolf dressed. And grandmother's clothing with her nightcap and her glasses was lying in the pit. He also closed the drapes so, that it became dark inside and Little Red Riding Hood could not recognize him. I think you darling for your trouble getting all the way here to bring me food. come next to me so I can give you a heart oh my darling can't go son Little Red Riding Hood left the basket on the floor. But she did not get too close to the bed because her grandma looked different. 

Best funny Little Red Riding Hood story for kids

funny stories

Why are your arms so long grandma so that I can hug you better why are your ears so big. So that I can hear you better but why are you I'm so huge. So that I can see you better why are your teeth so sharp grandmother? So that I can eat you better the wolf jumped out of the bed and charged up the Little Red Riding Hood jaw. That moment Little Red Riding Hood realized that it wasn't her grandmother lying in the bed. But instead the big bad wolf she had run into her on the way.

Best funny Little Red Riding Hood story for kids

Little Red Riding Hood funny story for kids

 The hunter heard a little red riding-hood scream and ran straight to the house stormed into the open door and caught the wolf immediately. I finally got you, thief, bad wolf nerves are in my hands the hunter cut the wolf's belly and rescued the grandmother. You're welcome but promise me a little girl that you will never forget. What your mother asked of you with great appetite grandmother ate all the cookies. 

Best funny Little Red Riding Hood story for kids

Funny Stories 

Little Red Riding Hood had brought for her boil the healthy hurts to make a cup of tea and instantly got well Little Red Riding Hood promised her grandmother. That she will never ever fall into the words of a bad wolf again. Little Red Riding Hood was walking in the forest. Once again singing along merrily, as she ran into the same wolf again. The wolf was punished by the hunter to clean the forest and he was very ashamed. About what he did when he saw the Little Red Riding Hood. 

Best funny Little Red Riding Hood story for kids

The bunny forest became full of joy bunnies and flowers like it were once before.

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Best Funny Little Red Riding Hood Story For Kids | Few Fun Land Best Funny Little Red Riding Hood Story For Kids | Few Fun Land Reviewed by the soft roots on June 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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