Best Funny Short Story Jokes For Kids. Mr. Boon & Mr. Goon
This is the story of two friends. Mr. Moon and Mr.Goon saw what happened one day when he met his two friends. Mr. Boon and Mr. Goon who cannot hear very well setting a street Mr. boon are going to the market with a bag he sees Mr. goon Mr. Boone says. how are you? Mr. goon says. Oh, Mr. Boon how are you what are you saying?. GAO's a few where are the cows. Mr. Boon shouting I did not say cows of you I said how are you Mr. Goon says I am fine but why are you shouting in my ear where are you taking this bag Mr. Boon says I am going to the market to buy some rice.
Mr. goon says mice why do you want mice in your house they will nibble at everything Mr. booth says I said to rise or demise Mr. goon says Oh yes you are going to buy eyes Mr. Boone says getting angry Mr. goon please excuse me I must go now I have to go to the market.
Mr. Goon says what you need to bring in the basket now why you need a basket. Mr. booth says oh my god I am going start running.Mr. goon says Mr. Boone please wait we both ran out.
Best funny story Sheikh Chilli.
Sheikh Chilli was a simpleton he lived in a small village on the banks of river Pancham his house was a favorite meeting place of all the animals and children of that village he treated both man and animal with the same respect and kindness once a limping dog.
Entered his house Sheikh Chilli treated him in the same manner as he would treat his friend he asked the dog to sit down got him a bowl full of milk and then tried to examine his injured leg the dog felt so uncomfortable would Sheikh Chilli hospitality that he quickly ran away poor Sheikh Chilli he had only wanted to be kind and hospitable there is another incident that goes like this one-day Sheikh Chilli went to bathe in the river he put all his clothes in the neat pile on the bank and gingerly put his legs in the water immediately.
he felt that his neck was getting wet Sheikh Chilli was puzzled how could the water move from my feet to my neck so quickly I have not even entered the river fully he pulled his legs out of the water five minutes later he put his legs back in the water to see if the magic would repeat oh yes he felt the wetness on his neck again he was impressed by the swift action of the water on his body he jumped into the river extremely excited and had a quick bath that evening he narrated the entire incident to his friend smiled and remarked I saw Tommy the dog licking your neck when you sat there with your legs in the water-poor Sheikh Chilli he was so naive every.
Thursday she actually went to the market to buy vegetables and fruits the market was quite far off and the villagers had to pass through a thick forest they always travel in homes and avoided returning late from the market one day she actually got delayed and had to return a load all the other people of his village had left early halfway into the forest.
His friend mangu Ram remembered that when left alone she actually almost certainly landed himself in some trouble concerned for his friend he immediately rushed back to look for Sheikh Chilli after walking back for nearly half a kilometer he saw his friend sitting in front of a fierce-looking bear talking to it and feeding it carrots and other vegetables from his basket.
the animal had a puzzled expression on his face perhaps it was wondering how to attack someone who was so nice and polite to him.
Sheikh Chilli life when he had no work and no money to buy things for himself he often borrowed from his friends finally even his friends stopped lending him money or giving him things one evening Sheikh Chilli was sitting in front of his house feeling sorry for himself there was not even a single grain in his house hungry and lonely his mind began to work overtime he decided to rob the rich merchant storeroom for some green the merchant's store was always stacked with green and other food items that night when the clock struck 12:00 Sheikh Chilli set out on his task of robbing the merchants.
he succeeded in sneaking into the storeroom there he packed enough grain for himself just as he was about to move out his eyes fell on a bowl full of milk Sheikh Chilli was very hungry and could not resist the temptation of making delicious porridge for himself having decided this Sheikh Chilli set about the task of cooking the porridge he laid the stone and after putting the pan with milk and seal on it he sat down to stir the porridge occasionally it's so happy that the servant's daughter was sleeping nearby when the new porridge was finished, the girls stretched themselves and their hands with open palms came into Chile's eyes glaring at the thought that the girl was asking for some porridge.
he grumbled can't you wait for some time the porridge is not yet cooked incidentally the girl withdrew her hand at the same time everything was quite for a while after about ten minutes she again stretched her hand this time she actually mumbled angrily because the porridge was still not ready however when the action was repeated for the third time she actually became quite annoyed he shouted.
I told you to wait for some time if you are so hungry yo take this porridge saying this he dropped the spoon full of hot porridge on the girl's outstretched hand needless to say the girl screams brought the whole house into the kitchen and Sheikh Chilli was caught and put behind bars his desire of eating the porridge remained unfulfilled perhaps it is better to be smart than simple
Best funny Story.The cap seller and the monkeys
The new generation.
red caps and blue caps pretty little white caps green caps and yellow cabs polka-dotted caps striped caps. Come out children where are you I've got cats for each one of you it was past noon and the children were back from school hearing the familiar song the children ran out of their homes to greet Ramu Kaka their favorite cap seller the children were very fond of him because he told them interesting stories of people he had met in other villages moreover his caps were good and cheap Jon Kaka managed to sell a few caps after entertaining the children with some stories he decided to move on to another village on the way he saw a big tree Ramu Kaka was tired he decided to take some rest under this huge shady tree before moving on to the next village he carefully lured his basket of caps and after eating his lunch.
He went off to sleep he wanted to take a short nap Ramu Kaka did not realize that the tree he had chosen was home to a lot of monkeys they waited till he had fallen asleep then they quietly slid down the tree opened his basket and helped themselves to a cat each pleased with their new possessions they scampered up to play with his cats he wanted to laugh and cry at the same time while he was wondering how to get his caps back he remembered what his grandfather had told him his grandfather had also faced a similar situation he too had been a cap seller and the trick he had played to get his cats back was well known.
He grinned monkeys like to imitate human beings he nodded his head knowledgeably he was sure that he too would get his caps back jean-Jacques stood at a place from where he was sure all the monkeys could see him he confidently picked up a cat from his basket and put it on his head and sure enough the monkeys did just that then he put his hand on the cap looking at the monkeys from the corner of his eye he was happy to see that all the monkeys too had their hands on their caps Ramu Kaka then threw the cap down he waited and waited and waited but no cap came down Zhang Kaka was puzzled after a long time he looked up and guess what he saw grandpa the monkey was sitting with all the monkeys and they were all laughing.
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Source: The soft roots
Best Funny Short Story Jokes For Kids in 2020.
Reviewed by the soft roots
June 04, 2020

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