Funny Stories For Kids In English In 2020
Hello kids, today I'm going to tell you another story and today's story is titled

Funny Stories For Kids
After walking for a while the hunter got tired you stopped by a river put the net on the ground and went on to drink water from the river. Noticing it the Falcon said less than hunter. I have loved my life for now. I am sure to die but I want to give you the hunter could not understand the lessons. So he ignored it and lay down on the bank of the river. Two easels fatigued after a while the scared Falcon asked once again. Will you really yes I have to fill my stomach with whatever if I give you something. Secret diamond will be of no use. So I was thinking that if you leave me. Then I could tell you the diamonds please save my life.
Hearing this the hunter got three D he felt that by selling the diamond. He will become rich and then he would never have a hunt again. So he quickly freed the Falcon as soon as the Falcon came out of the net. He flew to one nearby tree and set on a high branch. Hunter, some time ago I taught you not to believe any. If you accidentally make a mistake instead of regretting to learn from it. So to our trick right now and the Falcon flew away in the open sky.

Stories For Kids
The hunter bashed him flew away remembering his lessons. So kids from this jury will learn a lesson that we should never trust anyone without any proof. And if we make a mistake then instead of regretting. We should learn from it and be alert in the future.

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Funny Stories For Kids In English In 2020
Hello kids, today I'm going to tell you another news story, and today's story is titled the magical vessel.

A long time ago in a village live poor labor the labor walk on the fields of a landlord. The laborer could only manage to earn a petty amount in this poverty. He was somehow surviving. One day he was plucking the field with a spade to sow seeds. Suddenly, he heard the clink. What kind of sound is this when he looked carefully. He saw a piece of brass buried in the field hmm it appears to be something very precious. Then, he swiftly started digging around that piece of brass. Using his Spade despite digging around that piece of brass for a long time. He couldn't find the end of it the more he dug the bigger. The piece was getting in the end when he had dug a huge area in the field.

Stories In English
He found the end of it it wasn't anything precious. But a giant vessel in which an individual could cook food for a hundred-man at a given time. When the laborer saw this he got very disappointed. Ha, I did all the back-breaking for this huge vessel. I live alone for whom will I cook so much food after saying this. He dumped his paid in that vessel and went on to sit under the shade of a tree. Oh God, I was expecting to have gotten my hands on something precious. What I found was this useless vessel that exhausted me. So much I have to rest for a while and he slept under the tree. After a while when he woke up he went up to the vessel to take his fate. However, when he looked it he was flabbergasted to see not just one.

Story Telling For Kids In English
But many spades inside the vessel he looked around. But there was no one there is no one here. Then where did all these baits come from I had put just one Spade in it? Suddenly he thought of a tree he took out all the space counting them. One by one this is ninety-nine hundred. Then he picked one more Spade and dropped it in the vessel again as soon. As he dropped this faith it magically turned in two hundred spades. Seeing this the Labour understood, it's a magical vessel that multiplies everything 200 times. Oh, wonderful it's a magical vessel it will make me very rich with this. Thought he brought that vessel to his home from that day.
Funny Short Stories
On the started putting one Spade in the vessel and would sell the multiplied spades in the market. After a few days, he even stopped working on the landlord's field. One day the landlord came to know about the vessel. He went to Labour's house. Hey, you Betty labor give me back my magical vessel. But I was the one who found it. You found this lesson in my field while you were blowing it. So this belongs to me the landlord pushed the label and took the vessel. Now true that magical vessel he started multiplying all of his precious possessions in two hundred times. He even started multiplying all his jewels a hundred times. Soon I will be the world's richest man who will rule the world. But the way the landlord learns about the labor the king of that state also came to know about the Lord. He reached the landlord's house with a few soldiers.

Best story for kids
Landlord this vessel was dug out from the land of my state. Since I had the right over everything that belongs to the state. This vessel is mine seeing this. He pushed the landlord and took the vessel to his palace the king was greedier. Then the Labour and the landlord first he got all the jewels of his palace multiplied into hundred. Then he further multiplied those dwells in 200. Soon he had a huge pile of twelve. One day the king was standing next to the magical vessels observing it. He thought by the looks it appears to be an ordinary brass vessel. What is it that makes it so magical. I must unravel this problem who knows. I might even discover something that would make me even richer. I must inspect it with this thought he hopped inside the vessel.
Story For Kids In English
He started knocking and scratching the walls in order to check the vessel. But found nothing special strange it appears to be a very ordinary vessel. Suddenly one by one his look-alikes started to appear. He was shocked to see it happening. Then he recalled, Oh my what did I do how could I forget this Russell multiplies everything by hundred. Now it multiplied me as well when the space in the vessel fell short the other kings gathered outside the vessel. The real King also stepped out and said. I am the king of the state. So all of his look-alikes ignored. What he was saying and marched towards the troll the real King got worried. He ran for his throne and set on it. He said you all are just look-alikes of mine produced by this vessel magic. I am the real king.
Short Stories For Kids With Pictures
Hence this throne is mine the throne belongs to the king and I am the king no this throne. Belongs to me, One by one all hundred Kings started claiming their right over the throne. After a while, all of them got angry and pulled out these words. No one can come between me and my throne all the kings started fighting and they begin to kill each other for the throne. In the end, after a fierce battle all the look-alikes including. The real King got killed for the greed of the throne.

The vessel also got broken into pieces and was of no further use. So kids from this story we learn a lesson that greed is the root of all levels because of greed. Only the king hopped into the magical vessel and afterward all the hundred look-alikes killed each other. Hence we should never be greedy. If you enjoyed this do share and comment
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Source: The Soft roots
Funny Stories For Kids In English In 2020
Reviewed by the soft roots
June 29, 2020

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