Cursive Writing Sentences Worksheets pdf For Kids In 2020
A capital a start from the top and draw a slanting line downwards. Go to the top and draw another slanting line down to the opposite side. Now go little below the middle and draw a sleeping line across small. a start from the middle and make a curve reaching the bottom next go to the middle again and draw a standing line downwards with a small curl at the bottom.B capital B start from the top and draw a standing line down go back to the top and draw a curve to the middle then draw a curve joining the bottom small B start from the top and draw a standing line downwards go to the center of the line and add a curve touching the bottom of the line.
C capital C starts from the top and draw a curve touching the bottom small C start from the middle and draw a curve till the bottom.
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D capital D start from the top and draw a standing line down. Go again to the top and draw a curve till the bottom small. D start from the middle and draw a small C then go to the top and draw a standing line downwards with a small curl at the bottom.
E capital e start from the top and draw a standing line jump go again to the top and draw one sleeping line to the right then go to the middle and draw another line lastly go to the bottom and draw one more line in the same way small e start below the middle making a loop and continue to make a curve to reach the bottom.
F capital F starts from the top and draws a standing line down go again to the top I'm drawing one sleeping line to the right then go to the middle and make another line in that same way. Small F starts from the top making a curl and then continue to make a straight line down below the bottom with a small backward curve next go just below the top curve and draw a sleeping line across.
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G capital G start below the top and draw a curve touching the bottom and further till the middle top it with a sleeping line. Then draw a standing line from the middle till the bottom. Small G start from the middle and make a small C then go to the middle again and draw a standing line going down below the bottom with a small backward curl.H Capital age starting from the top draw two standing lines one after the other till the bottom then go to the middle and join the two lines with a sleeping line. Small h start from the top and make a standing line to the bottom then go to the middle and make a curve reaching the bottom with a small curl at the right.
I capital I start from the top and make one standing line down then make two small sleeping lines one at the top and another at the bottom. Small I start from the middle to make a standing line with a small curl at the bottom add a small dot above the line.
Learning for kids in 2020
J capital J start from the top and draw a standing line to the bottom with a small backward curve go back to the top and draw a sleeping line across. Small J draws a standing line from the middle going down below the bottom with a small backward curl add a small dot above the line key.Capital K starts from the top and draws a standing line down go back to the top and makes a downward slanting line to the left then makes a downward slanting line to the right till the bottom. Small K starts from the top and makes a standing line to the bottom next from the middle make a downward slanting line to the left then make a downward slanting line to the right with a small curl at the bottom.
L capital L start from the top and draw a standing line down from the bottom of the line draw a sleeping line to the right. small L start from the top and make a standing line reaching the bottom with a little curl at the bottom.
M capital M starts from the top and draw a standing line down go back to the top and draw a slanting line down to the right and another slanting line up to the top now draw a standing line to the bottom. small m start from the middle and make a standing line to the bottom go to the middle and make a curve reaching the bottom make one more curve in the same way with a small curl at the bottom.
Cursive Writing Guide Pdf
N capital n start from the top and draw a standing line down go back to the top and draw a slanting line to the right now draw one more line up to the top. Small n start from the middle to make a standing line to the bottom go to the middle and me a curve reaching down with a small curl at the bottom.O capital o start from the top and make a big circle to the left. Small o start from the middle and make a small circle to the left.
P capital P starts from the top and draw a standing line down go again to the top and draw a curve up to the middle. small p start from the middle and move down below the bottom then go to the middle and make a half circle to meet the line at the bottom.
Q capital Q starts from the top and make the capital letter O then from inside the o make a slanting line to the right reaching the bottom. Small q start from the middle and make a small C next go to the middle again and make a standing line to reach below the bottom and make a hook P
R capital R starts from the top and draw a standing line down go again to the top and draw a curve till the middle then draw a slanting line to the bottom. small r start from the middle and draw a standing line to the bottom again go to the middle and draw a small curve towards the right.
S Capital is starting from the top and swing to the left and create a curve now swing to the right and create another backward curve at the bottom. Small s start from the middle and swing to the left and create a curve now swing to the right and create another backward swirl at the bottom.
T capital T start from the top and draw a standing line down drawback to the top and draw a sleeping line across. Small t start above the middle and draw a standing line with a small curl at the bottom then go to the middle and add a sleeping line across.
best way to learn Cursive Writing Guide Pdf
U capital U start from the top and draw a standing line down then curve towards the right and keep going up to reach the top. Small you start from the middle and draw a standing line till the bottom and then slightly curved upwards again go to the middle and draw another straight line downwards with a small curl at the bottom.V capital V start from the top and draw a slanting line down to the right and then make a slanting line up to the right. Small v start from the middle and make a slanting line down to the right and then make a slanting line up to the right.
W Capital W starts from the top and draw a slanting line down to the right then up to the top now again make a slanting line downwards and then a slanting line to the top. Small w start from the middle and make a slanting line down to the right and then make a slanting line up to the right now make another slanting line down to the right and lastly make one more slanting line up to the right.
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X capital X starting from the top draws a slanting line down towards the right and then goes to the top and draws a slanting line towards the left cutting the first line in the middle. Small x starting from the middle draw a slanting line down towards the right then go to the middle and draw a slanting line towards the left cutting the first line in the center.
Y Capital y start from the top and make a slant down to the right till the middle go to the top again and now make a slanting line down to the left till the middle from the meeting point of these lines draw a standing line to the bottom. Small y start from the middle and draw a standing line till the bottom and then slightly curved upwards again go to the middle and make a standing line down below the bottom and end with a backward curved.
Z capital said start from the top and draw a sleeping line towards the right and then make a slanting line down towards the left reaching the bottom now again draw a sleeping line from the bottom towards the right. Small Z starts from the middle and draws a sleeping line towards the right and then makes a slanting line down towards the left reaching the bottom now again draw a sleeping line from the bottom towards the right you.
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Cursive Writing Sentences Worksheets pdf For Kids In 2020
Reviewed by the soft roots
June 08, 2020

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