New best funny story for kids in 2020
Hello, dear friends today I'll tell you another new story and title story is the door of the dead.
Funny story for kids: There used to be a line named a burger in a forest Baka was the king of the jungle. Won the organizes a gathering for all animals. As you all know for the last few days the animals of our forest have been disappearing somewhere. So I have thought that from today we will all live together in one place. So that I can know about every animal your suggestion is very good. What will all animals be ready to live in one place? After this all animals will live in this game and if all are not able to live properly inside the cave. Earth will live in the cave and half outside the cave. This is my final decision after the line declares all the animals start living together. After a few days peacefully one night the rabbit. Suddenly disappears somewhere everyone gets very worried about not getting the rapid with them. Even after being together, the rabbit disappeared.

Best funny story for kids in 2020
I think there is some ghost in the forest which is superior animals no I think there is a hunter in the forest. Who is hunting everyone one by one we should find a way out of this problem. Soon or as after a few days, nothing will be seen in the forest except plants why don't we all join together outside the cave. Every night but up this will let us know very quickly that after all where animals are disappearing. This is a good idea after all the animals start guarding the cave one by one. Every night one night when the beer is guarding, he saw that the deer is going inside the forest alone fear silently chases the deer. But after reaching inside the forest seeing the deer drinking water from the river.
New funny Story For kids in 2020
He comes back from there then he sees two trees near the river. This opens like a door and a long hand comes out from inside and it draws the deer inside seeing this the beer gets absolutely thunderstruck. He runs towards the tree but before reaching the trees the door closes. How did this tree open up and where did the deer go and whose hand was that is there really a ghost in the forest or very scared. Now, what do I do the beer escapes and comes back to the cave and wakes up all the animals and tells them? Everything in detail all the animals was shocked by hearing this matter. We are bro I think y'all sleep is not complete. So use these paintings I have really seen it all well what you have seen. If it is true then show it to all of us the beaut takes everyone with him to the river. But even after standing there for a long time, he does not see anything. Where is your door we have all been standing here for so long? But we have not seen anything yet standing you wait for that tree to open.
New Moral Story For kids
Till then I bring some water when the monkey starts drinking water from the river. Then the light comes from behind the tree and both trees open like a toad seeing all this the animals get very surprised. After which all the other animals quickly go inside the tooth behind him on reaching inside. He sees a new world around him rich world is this it does not seem to be a part of our forest. This is the world behind that door of death is this the door of death the rumor of which has been spread in the forest for centuries. But no animal has ever seen it yes this is the door of death which only opens at night. But tell me that when I did not bring all the animals inside then. How did they come here why do we call this door only the door of death it's none of your business.
Best Story in 2020
Only the animals that I bring inside this door and come inside so you all get out of here soon. Otherwise, it will not be good for you all you have followed our friend here and will not leave here without taking him with us. Once anyone comes here he cannot return without completing my work. I am Telling You all for the last time go away from here. How can we go from here you said that once someone comes here he cannot return. So how can we go then because I did not bring you here you can all go back. But when we don't want to go back you have to go ok we will go. But on one condition first of all why do you call it the door of the death and what do you do with the animals imprisoned here.
Moral funny story for kids in 2020
A long time ago it used to be a magical way which no one knew about but one day an evil demon and an evil angel came here. They started capturing and killing animals for work at that time this door became the door of death. Where are that monster and Angel now when the terror of both of them increased to a great extent queen angel. I came here and together we imprisoned them after that queen angel went back to her country. I stayed here if that monster used to imprison animals, then you are doing the same what is the difference between both of you alright. You wanna see why I imprisoned animals, so follow me the animals start following the monster. I'm walking for so long this sees that all the animals have disappeared from their forest. They are all sitting there helping and serving other animals.
What is happening her any animals that are hurt or have any disease in the forest I bring them here. So that they can be treated properly as well as to bring the animals. Who came to the river to drink water at night for their company. I bring them here only so that the sick animals do not feel alone. Hereupon hearing the monster all the animals apologize for their behavior and go back to the forest. After that whenever the monster needs any animal, he used to open the tree toad and calls them by his loud voice by which they would gladly go in and come out after helping other animals in this way all animals and monsters start living together. If you enjoyed this do share and comment.

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New Funny And Moral Story For Kids In 2020 | Few fun Land
Reviewed by the soft roots
June 22, 2020

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